Parish Nurse

The Parish Nurse ministry at Prince of Peace helps to care for one another by attaining, maintaining and regaining the best possible whole person's wellness of body, mind and spirit.  The role of the Parish Nurse is a health counselor, referral source, and an advocate for an individual.  The Parish Nurse is a blend of professional nursing and spiritual caregiving.  The Parish Nurse visits members at the church and in their homes or care facilities.

Mary Hume was commissioned as the first Parish Nurse of Prince of Peace in July, 1999.


Health Benefits of Massage Therapy

Massage is the broad term for rubbing and manipulating skin, muscles, and the other soft tissues of the body. It improves and conditions the tissues in the body to promote health and well-being. 

Massage therapy can have a range of benefits, no matter the condition or issues it's used to treat. In fact, the Mayo Clinic describes massage therapy as an effective treatment for reducing muscle tension, pain, and stress. Several more immediate benefits massage therapy can have include:

  • Reducing tension.
  • Improving circulation.
  • Stimulating lymphatic drainage.
  • Improving skin and tissue tone.
  • Promoting the healing of soft tissue injuries.

Massage therapy is safe and effective for people of all ages. It's not only a feel-good way to indulge or pamper yourself. It's a powerful tool to help you take charge of your health and well-being, whether you have a specific health condition or are looking for a stress reliever.




