Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (LCMS)
3625 SW Wanamaker Road
Topeka, Kansas. 66614
785 271 0808
Pastor Kevin DeHope

Join Us for Worship

22nd Sunday of Pentecost


October 19, 2024 

at 5:00 pm



October 20, 2024 

at 10:00 am

Weekly Readings

First Reading

Eccl. 5:10-20

Second Reading

Hebrews 4:1-13 (14-16)

The Gospel Reading

Mark 10:18-31

Video Stream

at our Sunday, 10:00 am 

Worship Service

You can video stream on YouTube by searching for Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Topeka on You Tube.  You can set this as a subscription on YouTube if you wish.


Or you can join Facebook Live to view our video stream. Go to the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Facebook Page.


You can watch it anytime after the service as well as it will be recorded.

Pastor DeHope's October 3rd  Message

Dear friends in Christ,

Alicia hasn’t seen her brother’s family in several years so, thanks to a cheap flight and Southwest points she and baby Ben are visiting them in Selma, NC for several days this week. As usual I have a list of things I want to do what she’s gone even though Josh and Leah are still here and all my regular responsibilities daily await me. I’m surely trying to do too much! 

In our Gospel this week, a young man asks Jesus what he has to do to inherit eternal life. Jesus doesn’t give our standard simple answer of: do nothing – it’s free – just believe in Jesus and it’s yours. Instead, Jesus says Keep the commandments – you know them. The man claims to have kept them since his youth, so Jesus instructs him to sell all he has and follow him. 

Ask a law question, get a law answer. Ask a gospel question, get a gospel answer. The man was looking to justify himself by his works. He asked a law question and got a law answer. He wanted to do something to be saved. We know he didn’t perfectly keep the commandments as he boasted. Neither do we – we’re sinners and we know it. That doesn’t’ always stop us from trying to justify ourselves or our actions before God by our works or to bargain with God to get something. It doesn’t work that way. 

Jesus died for the sins of the world – for yours and mine. The work of saving us has to be 100% Jesus or it will fail. Jesus looked at the man and loved him, just as he looks at you and loves you no matter your situation or circumstance. Don’t bargain with God or try to get extra credit for your goodness. Instead, ask a gospel question: what has God done for me and my salvation? The answer is everything; he’s given you Jesus and that’s enough because Jesus saves. 

He loves you and you follow him because he has the words of eternal life. 

Blessings on your week!

Pastor DeHope


Oktoberfest was a success!  Thanks to all of you who came by and participated in our annual community event. 

We had many drawings that are unclaimed.  Please click  HERE to see if you won. 

Put it on your calendar for next year!  It is always the first Saturday in October.
If you want, come to church on either Saturday at 5:00 pm or Sunday at 10:00 am.  We would love to see you there!


Hello Friends and Neighbors!

If you are interested in learning more about Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, click HERE.



To give on line, click HERE.

