Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (LCMS)
3625 SW Wanamaker Road
Topeka, Kansas. 66614
785 271 0808
Pastor Kevin DeHope

Join Us for Worship

10th Sunday of Pentecost


Saturday, July 27, 2024 

at 5:00 pm


Sunday, July 28, 2024 

at 10:00 am

Weekly Readings

First Reading

Genesis 9:8-17

Second Reading

Ephesians 3:14-21

The Gospel Reading

Mark 6:45-56

Video Stream

at our Sunday, 10:00 am 

Worship Service

You can video stream on YouTube by searching for Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Topeka on You Tube.  You can set this as a subscription on YouTube if you wish.


Or you can join Facebook Live to view our video stream. Go to the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Facebook Page.


You can watch it anytime after the service as well as it will be recorded.

Pastor DeHope's July 10th Message

Dear friends in Christ,

We had a fin-tastic time at our scuba Vacation Bible School this week! Many hours of hard work and planning went in to make this wonderful for the kids. A big “Thanks” to all our volunteers, helpers, and our youth for making this happen. In addition to all the creativity and effort that made this happen, we inherited a lot of useful themed items from other churches that had completed the same VBS. We benefited from those who went before us. Much of life is like this. Many of us inherit or benefit from the work of others. Marriage and family are a team, working and learning together. The Christian church stands on the word of God and the empty tomb, but we have the witness of the apostles, prophets, and all those who have gone before us, even grandma and grandpa, mom and dad, friends, and others.

As Christians we’re repeaters of the good news. That’s what Vacation Bible School is really all about - sharing and repeating the good news about Jesus salvation that has been given to us. By the power and working of the holy spirit, we believe, and so we bear witness with our words and actions.

Our lives as Christians are about bearing witness to Jesus in all our vocations – through all the joys and struggles of this life. We have a hope and joy in Jesus that the world needs and doesn’t have. Jesus has made us salt and light to world so that we may season and enlighten the world with God’s word of truth.

Blessings on your week and thanks for all you do for the kingdom with your prayers, your time, treasure, and talents.

Pastor DeHope



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Hello Friends and Neighbors!

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